
Understanding The Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection & Pollution Prevention Act

On January 21st, 2025, Representative Betty McCollum (D-MN) reintroduced legislation to permanently protect the Boundary Waters from copper-nickel mining in the 119th Congress, with support from a broad coalition of conservation groups. We appreciate Representative McCollum’s steadfast leadership in authoring BWCA protection legislation and stand ready to advocate for the legislation’s advancement throughout each hearing, markup, and as the bill progresses through Congress. Rep. McCollum’s bill would create permanent protection for the Boundary Waters from any future sulfide-ore copper mining mineral leasing in the Rainy River Watershed of the Superior National Forest while exempting sand, gravel, granite, iron ore, and taconite mining. The bill would also allow continued use of the Superior National Forest for ongoing mining and logging operations. These are critical distinctions for the Iron Range of Northern Minnesota.