
Liquid Trailhead: BWCA Lentil & Sausage Stew

I hadn’t seen another human being all day. Night was falling, and I was making myself a private feast. How many people in human history had felt like this? Medieval travelers… Anishinaabe traders… messengers… abandoned explorers… brigands… I’d put myself in an exclusive company.

Liquid Trailhead: Lake Three Solo

There’s no question that I was scared. I gave myself credit for hiding it well despite the fact no one was watching. The gravel lot at the end of the Fernberg (Access 30 on Fisher Map F-31) was empty save for a navy blue Chevy S-10 and a late model Four Runner.

BREAKING: SFBW Thanks Sen. Tina Smith for Strong Support of Boundary Waters Protection

Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters applauds the request U.S. Sen. Tina Smith delivered to two federal agencies urging action that could lead to 20 years of protection for America’s most visited wilderness. In a letter today, Sen. Smith, D-Minn., asked the U.S. Forest Service to re-initiate an environmental review process for a 20-year ban on copper-sulfide mining near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.  Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters believes the withdrawal process Smith requests will protect this valuable public land and its resources from sulfide-ore copper mining for today’s hunters and anglers and future generations.

A Path Forward For The Boundary Waters

The future of Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Canoe Wilderness, and Americans’ relationship to it, is in the hands of key decision-makers at the U. S. Department of Agriculture, U. S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, the United States Congress, and hunters and anglers like you and me.

About Giving Tuesday 2020

GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. It was created as a simple idea: a day that

Minnesota Bound’s Inaugural Podcast with Lukas Leaf, Sportsmen BWCA

Listen to Bill Sherck of Minnesota Bound and Lukas Leaf, Executive Director of Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters, dig into the risky copper-nickel mining proposal upstream of the Boundary Waters.

Outdoor News Radio – January 18, 2020

Listen to Outdoor News Radio here This weekend’s Outdoor News Radio show kicks off with a discussion of the latest on chronic wasting disease in Pine County plus an update

Press Release: Sportsmen’s Groups Praise Introduction of Bipartisan BWCA Legislation

Leaders in the conservation community commended the introduction of the Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection and Pollution Prevention Act (H.R. 5598), bipartisan legislation that would provide permanent protection, for current and future generations, of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and interconnected public lands and waters located within the watershed.

Understanding H.R. 668: The Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection and Pollution Prevention Act

The Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection and Pollution Prevention Act would ensure permanent protection of the Boundary Waters from any future copper-nickel mineral leasing in its watershed.

Twin Metals submits Mine Plan of Operation

For Immediate Release Twin Metals Mine Plan Of Operation Submitted Today ELY, MN – Today Twin Metals submitted a mine plan of operations to state and federal agencies to begin