New State Legislation Seeks to Silence Millions of Minnesotans

SF 570 and HF 8 would remove your voice in the public input process

Tell your Minnesota legislators to oppose SF 570 and HF 8. This legislation would take away the right of millions of Minnesota residents to petition the state to conduct an environmental assessment worksheet (EAW) for projects such as the proposed Twin Metals mine outside the Boundary Waters.

SF 570 and HF 8, introduced by Senator Grant Hauschild (DFL-08) and Representative Roger Skraba (MN-R-03), would restrict petitioning state agencies to conduct environmental assessment worksheets to the residents and/or homeowners of the county or adjoining county where the proposed action is taking place. This legislation would prevent millions of Minnesotans from participating in petitions pertaining to the public lands that we all recreate on. The Boundary Waters, for example, is the most visited Wilderness Area in the United States, and the ability to petition for state agency environmental assessments should be available to every Minnesotan, not just the people who live in those particular counties.