Join fellow Public Lands advocates for a day at the Minnesota State Capitol on Friday, April 5th, telling the stories of our public lands and critters and their vital importance to our legislators, and cap it off with a rally in the Rotunda to celebrate our shared interests. Whether you hike, bike, fish, hunt, bird, camp, or anything in between, Public Lands and Waters are for EVERYONE.
A dozen conservation organizations, including the Minnesota Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Artemis Sportswomen, Hunters of Color, Pheasants Forever, Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters, Minnesota Conservation Federation, Minnesota Trout Unlimited, Trust for Public Land, Audubon Society, Ruffed Grouse Society, Ducks Unlimited, and Minnesota Izaak Walton League will be at the Minnesota State Capitol supporting all things public lands and waters. The day will involve meeting with legislators and will be capped off with a 3 p.m. rally in the Capitol Rotunda.
Current speakers at the Public Lands Day rally include DNR Commissioner Sarah Strommen, Pheasants Forever’s president & CEO Marilyn Vetter, MN Senator Foung Hawj, MN Senator Eric Pratt, and Minnesota BHA Board Chair Eli Mansfield. Bob St. Pierre of KFAN Outdoors will emcee the rally.
Throughout the day, before the rally, individual groups will meet with legislators to discuss their key issues, and then we’ll all gather in the Capitol Rotunda to celebrate the common ground supported by all the planning organizations: our shared Public Lands and Waters. The rally is a shared event meant to highlight our state’s public lands successes, shoulder to shoulder with fellow outdoor enthusiasts, and will not involve protesting any specific legislation.
Organizers are encouraging attendees to meet directly with their legislators prior to the rally. For attendees new to the idea of talking to legislators, all participating organizations will have members on hand to assist. Participating organizations will also have talking points and resources available for meetings and rally attendees.
Throughout the day on April 5, participants can commiserate in the Capitol’s L’Etoile du Nord Vault Room B15, which organizers have secured starting at 9:30 a.m.
Join us to ensure that stories of vast prairie sunsets, starry BWCA nights, frosty mornings in the stand, and rustling leaves in the grouse woods echo loudly through the halls of the Capitol!
Legislative Meeting Sign-Up Closed
Let us know you’ll be at the rally HERE