Support MN State Boundary Waters Legislation

These bills would restrict mining in the Rainy River Watershed to iron-ore, taconite, gravel, granite, and sand while prohibiting mining and exploring for additional minerals such as copper and nickel.


Staying The Course In 2025 & Beyond
Boundary Waters Outfitters: The Official Hunting Outfitter of Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters

The official hunting outfitter of Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters

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Early Ice Safety & Wonky Winter Weather

As the open water starts to glaze over, the allure of that first ice bite is hard to resist, even when the weather is as wonky as it’s been so far this winter.


Pine Island WMA Update: A Successful Weekend

Looking to the future, SFBW has a few more tasks on the Pine Island WMA. This winter will tell the tale of how much work we’ll need to do in the Spring!

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Ways To Contribute To SFBW

Explore our list for the best methods of giving


Volunteer at Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters

As we begin collaborative project planning in Minnesota, we’re looking for folks who want to help!

Sign Up Now

White House Executive Order Threatens The Boundary Waters & America’s Public Lands

On March 20th, 2025, President Donald Trump signed the Executive Order “Immediate Measures to Increase American Mineral Production.” This EO invokes wartime powers for the president and a number of federal agency secretaries to identify significant mineral deposits on federal lands and, through federal funding and private industry input, designate mineral production as the official use of those federal public lands. This is an immediate threat to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and federal public lands at large. This action must be monitored very closely in the coming weeks and months to defend the places we cherish the most.


2025 Boundary Waters Policy & Legislative Updates

The latest information on Twin Metals at the federal and state levels and actions you can take to defend the BWCA.  Since 1964, The Boundary Waters has been a federally designated Wilderness Area. In 1978, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area & Wilderness Act expanded the wilderness to the nearly 1.1 million acres that it is today. This designation has prevented development in this pristine expanse of interconnected lakes and streams, as well as set forth rules and regulations that control recreational use practices, adding to the region's Wilderness character.


Understanding The Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection & Pollution Prevention Act

On January 21st, 2025, Representative Betty McCollum (D-MN) reintroduced legislation to permanently protect the Boundary Waters from copper-nickel mining in the 119th Congress, with support from a broad coalition of conservation groups. We appreciate Representative McCollum’s steadfast leadership in authoring BWCA protection legislation and stand ready to advocate for the legislation’s advancement throughout each hearing, markup, and as the bill progresses through Congress. Rep. McCollum’s bill would create permanent protection for the Boundary Waters from any future sulfide-ore copper mining mineral leasing in the Rainy River Watershed of the Superior National Forest while exempting sand, gravel, granite, iron ore, and taconite mining. The bill would also allow continued use of the Superior National Forest for ongoing mining and logging operations. These are critical distinctions for the Iron Range of Northern Minnesota.


Staying The Course In 2025 & Beyond

Since its inception, Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters has worked tirelessly to protect the outdoor opportunities we have all come to cherish in Minnesota’s Arrowhead region through three presidential administrations.  We’ve seen everything from permanent protection legislation to mining lease reinstatements, regulation changes and interpretations, positive stewardship initiatives and negligence, and every manner of opinion and political movement. 


A Special Note From Dave Simonett

A new administration is about to take the helm of our great nation. I’m not here to discuss the merits of political parties or politicians. I am here, however, to acknowledge the very real possibility that the 20-year mining withdrawal that was put in place to protect the Boundary Waters from toxic pollution is now in danger of being reversed.  Whoever you voted for, as outdoors-people, it is now our responsibility to make sure the habitat upon which we all rely is protected to the best of our ability and to hold our elected officials accountable for the decisions they make. We at Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters are here to do just that. 


North of North Wilderness Resort: A Place Like No Other

This October, Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters is honored to announce a partnership with North of North Wilderness Resort. Located 10 miles outside of Ely, nestled on the shores of beautiful Birch Lake, North of North is truly a resort like no other.


Ruffed Grouse Opener Tips & Tricks

Grouse season is upon us! The leaves are starting to change, the evenings are getting cooler, and there are grouse around every corner in the Northwoods. Here at Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters, we live for this time of year. Among the myriad of tasks that go into working on behalf of the Boundary Waters region, nothing keeps the fire burning like a limit of birds, fellowship with old and new friends, and feasting on wild game.


Pine Island WMA Update – A Successful Weekend!

Looking to the future, SFBW has a few more tasks on the Pine Island WMA. This winter will tell the tale of how much work we’ll need to do in the Spring. First, we need to understand how well the trees we planted will fare between wildlife browsing and tough conditions. We fully intend to plant as many supplemental trees as necessary in the Spring.


Boundary Waters Outfitters: The Official Hunting Outfitter of Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters

Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters is excited to announce our latest partnership with Boundary Waters Outfitters based out of Ely, Minnesota!


The Canoe Country Angler * Vol. 3

There are about 1,175 lakes in the Boundary Waters and every one of them has its own little nuances. Even connected lakes that are seemingly identical will often have significant variation in available species, forage, depth, etc. Simply put, just because you’ve had success on one lake doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be smackin’ them on the next.


RELEASE: Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters teams up with MeatEater’s Working for Wildlife Tour on Lake Vermilion Pine Island WMA

Through support from onX’s Access and Stewardship Program, the Tower Area MN DNR & MeatEater, Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters is working to create, conserve, and restore wildlife habitat and access in the Northwoods of Minnesota. This summer, Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters (SFBW) has adopted Pine Island Wildlife Management Area (WMA) on Lake Vermilion. The Pine Island adoption is the first project of SFBW’s Stewardship and Habitat Initiative, a program SFBW is excited to implement in multiple spheres in and around the Boundary Waters with partnering agencies, conservation organizations, and outdoor industry leaders.


Forest Service clarifies dog leash law for BWCA hunters

Forest Service clarifies dog leash law for BWCA hunters: On July 10th, 2024, the United States Forest Service released a press statement to address growing concerns regarding new language that would change how people recreate with their dogs in Superior National Forest. Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters quickly became involved, working with the Forest Service to gain as much clarity as possible.


Legislation Reversing BWCA Protections Passes U.S. House

On Tuesday, April 30th, despite our efforts in Washington D.C., the U.S. House passed H.R. 3195, The Superior National Forest Restoration Act, which reverses critical Boundary Waters protections. In two


The Canoe Country Angler * Vol. 2

I decided to ask around, interviewing people who’ve spent a lot of time fishing in the Boundary Waters to actually figure out how people are fishing in the Boundary Waters and answer a few questions. I kept my questions open-ended on purpose while I interviewed people. “What are your top 5 Boundary Waters lures/flies and briefly, what is your approach to fishing up here?” While we’ll certainly get in-depth with specific tactics in a later volume of The Canoe Country Angler, I wanted this article to instruct people new to fishing the Boundary Waters on what they should start shopping for and to give seasoned anglers a few ideas for lures and baits they may not already be using.


New Minnesota BWCA Legislation Introduced: The Four Features Bill

by SFBW staff The Four Features Bill  On Monday, February 12th, 2024, a new bill was introduced to the Minnesota State Legislature that would prohibit specific nonferrous metallic minerals mining


The Canoe Country Angler * Vol. 1

If you’re one of the thousands of anglers who take to the Boundary Waters every year with a fishing rod in tow, you know what everyone else is missing. I recently met with Steve Renneberg of Arrowhead Outdoors in Ely, Minnesota, to talk Boundary Waters fishing. While the minnow tanks bubbled and eager hunters and anglers trickled in and out, we talked for nearly two hours, constantly returning to the same conclusion: fishing in the Boundary Waters is downright incredible. 


The God of Wild Places: Rediscovering the Divine in the Untamed Outdoors

Author’s Note: Below is a short excerpt from my new book, The God of Wild Places: Rediscovering the Divine in the Untamed Outdoors. The book tracks my journey out of the church – I used to be a pastor – and into the woods. As the passage below hints, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness has been an important part of my healing, which is why I so fervently support the mission of Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters. If you love the BWCA as much as I do, I hope you’ll find some resonance in the words below, and in the book as a whole.


Your Guide To The BWCA Permit Season

For anyone interested in exploring the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness this year between May 1st and September 30th, it’s time to start thinking about making reservations through the US Forest Service. The process can seem daunting, but it’s relatively simple to get you and your group ready for an incredible journey in America's most visited wilderness area. In this article, we’ll break down that process and some important considerations when booking your Boundary Waters trip. 


Early Ice Safety & Wonky Winter Weather

Early ice can be one of the most productive times to ice fish, but with that comes additional safety considerations that one must consider before heading out for those first bites of the winter. As the open water starts to glaze over, the allure of that first ice bite is hard to resist, even when the weather is as wonky as it's been so far this winter.


2023 Was A Big Year

2023 was highlighted by the Biden Administration's decision to withdraw sensitive BWCA federal lands from mineral leasing for 20 years.  SFBW is incredibly thankful to all who helped secure this landmark decision!


MN DNR Approves Franconia Exploratory Boring Plan Near The BWCA

With a 20-year moratorium on mining federal land surrounding the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness still fresh on our minds after the decision was made early this year, several questions loom over recent developments on the mining front in Northeast Minnesota.


Cast, Blast, & Feast: A Simple Mission

The art of the cast and blast has always intrigued me. In my experience, people choose this type of outing for one of two reasons. One, the fishing might be bad so at least we can shoot a couple birds, or two, the hunting might be bad so we may as well catch some fish while we’re out here. I propose that there is a third reason someone may decide to combine these two activities, though. Perhaps some people, like me, get so enamored with the idea of multiple hunting and fishing opportunities being available at once that picking just one is impossible. To me, September means fantastic fishing and incredible grouse hunting. When my dad called and said, “We can do whatever you want this weekend,” I took that as an open invitation to plan one hell of a cast and blast weekend.


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Fall is also my absolute favorite time to visit the BWCA.  The summer bugs have hit the road, the walleyes get shallow, the temps are perfect for portaging, and the colors are postcard-worthy everywhere you look.  If you’re willing to beat some brush, you can find Ruffed and Spruce grouse in there while being among very few other hunters.  The Boundary Waters is an Autumn-lovers paradise, to be sure.


Winner Announcement: Kaarin Birch Wins “Raffle For The Boundary Waters” & Custom Sanborn Canoe

Congratulations to Kaarin Birch as the lucky winner of the custom Sanborn, Trampled by Turtles, and SFBW canoe raffle! 


The Sportsman’s Pack: A Minnesota Collaboration

The partnership brings together three iconic Minnesota-based entities to create a functional and reliable pack that caters to outdoor enthusiasts and music lovers alike. Combining Frost River's expertise in crafting rugged and durable outdoor gear, SFBW's commitment to conservation, and Trampled By Turtles' passion for the great outdoors, the Sportsman’s Pack is a testament to the shared love for nature and adventure.


Minnesota DNR’s decision puts spotlight on action for BWCA state legislation

A decision by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources adds uncertainty to regulators’ role in deciding the future of copper-nickel mining in the watershed of the Boundary Waters. Now, the state legislature has the power to change the underlying laws that protect the BWCA.


The Next Chapter In Copper-Nickel Mining

As the state of Minnesota moves forward with a conservation framework that allows for the protection of our public lands and waters, as well as the responsible development of iron ore, taconite, logging, and other industries that have existed in Northern Minnesota for generations, Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters remains committed to protecting the integrity of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and its watersheds for huntable and fishable populations of fish and wildlife, now and forever through advocacy and education.


Continuing Sigurd F. Olson’s legacy for future generations of hunters and anglers

Today, in honor of Sigurd F. Olson’s 124th birthday, learn about Sig’s legacy to the Boundary Waters and make a gift to Sportsmen for the BWCA to ensure his legacy lives on. Sigurd F. Olson was a writer, conservationist, and wilderness advocate who played a significant role in protecting the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA). Through his writing and advocacy, Olson helped to raise awareness of the value of wilderness areas and the need to protect them for the benefit and enjoyment of future generations.


20-Year Protection for the Boundary Waters is A Big Deal

At the beginning of 2023, thanks to the conservation efforts of hundreds of thousands of people and years of tireless advocacy, we saw monumental protections announced across the country for three of our most iconic wild landscapes in the Boundary Waters, Bristol Bay, and Tongass National Forest. Thank you again to everyone that has stood shoulder to shoulder with us for years in defense of the Boundary Waters, each conservation group who has taken action to prioritize Boundary Waters protection, and our volunteers, donors, and supporters who have been on this journey every step of the way.

Photo by Bradley Dawson

Release: Boundary Waters Legislation Reintroduced in the 118th Congress

This legislation would ensure permanent protection of the Boundary Waters from any future sulfide-ore copper mining mineral leasing in the Rainy River Watershed of the Superior National Forest while excluding sand, gravel, granite, iron ore, and taconite mining, and also allows for the continued use of the Superior National Forest for ongoing mining and logging operations.

Federal Agencies Release Environmental Assessment of BWCA Watershed – Announce Comment Period

Release: Historic Protections Announced For The Boundary Waters

Department of the Interior orders 20-year mineral withdrawal in the Rainy River Watershed of Northeast Minnesota


A Winter Guide To BWCA Trout Fishing

While there is the opportunity for ice fishing walleye, northern pike, and crappies within the wilderness, the most exhilarating species to fish for, in my opinion, is trout. These energized fish will give you a fight through the ice unmatched by any species within the state.


It’s time to double down for the BWCA

As federal agencies complete another environmental review of proposed actions in the watershed of the BWCA, it's more important now than ever that supporters of the Boundary Waters let their members of Congress know: Now is the time to permanently protect America's most visited Wilderness.


Packing Light For Fishing in the Boundary Waters

We’ve broken down our gear essentials for packing light to fish in the Boundary waters to rod and reel, line, and top lures for a range of fish species and seasons. Guest blog by Omnia Fishing.


What’s the Best Fishing Rod for the Boundary Waters?

The best rod for the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in Northern Minnesota depends on what kind of trip you’re taking, how much you’re planning to fish, and how many miles you plan to travel. Guest blog by Omnia Fishing.


Release: Boundary Waters Conservation Advanced by Administration Action

Hunters and anglers applauded a proposal Thursday from federal agencies that would protect the nation’s most visited wilderness, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in northeastern Minnesota. A long-awaited analysis from the U.S. Forest Service shows that copper-nickel mining poses a major risk to the BWCA, and the USFS draft environmental assessment proposes a 20-year ban on copper-nickel mining on federal lands in the watershed.

Federal Agencies Release Environmental Assessment of BWCA Watershed – Announce Comment Period

Federal Agencies Release Environmental Assessment of BWCA Watershed – Comment Period Announced

On June 23, 2022, federal agencies announced a 30-day public comment period for an Environmental Assessment (EA), or a proposed study on the impacts of withdrawing hardrock mining leases upstream of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. In the newly released study, federal agencies proposed a moratorium on the development of any mineral leases in approximately 225,504 acres of Superior National Forest lands within the watershed of the Boundary Waters for up to 20 years.


Release: Hunters and Anglers Commend Administration Action to Ensure Long-Term Protections for Boundary Waters

A broad coalition of hunters and anglers today applauded an announcement by the Department of the Interior to cancel two federal hardrock mineral leases located in the Superior National Forest within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness watershed, citing the importance of this move to sustaining the Boundary Waters’ recreational, economic and fish and wildlife values.


Review announced to determine if Minnesota’s nonferrous mining rules fail to protect the Boundary Waters

The review will allow Minnesotans to submit comments on whether or not the state's current mining rules are adequate for protecting the BWCA, its watershed, and the surrounding lands from potential pollution from proposed copper-nickel mining in the wilderness area.


Federal Agencies Take Action To Protect The BWCA

On Oct. 20, 2021, federal agencies committed to complete a study of potential impacts of sulfide-ore copper mining in the Boundary Waters Watershed and paused new mineral leasing in the area while science and public input is gathered.


BREAKING: Administration Takes Action to Conserve Boundary Waters Wilderness Watershed, Sportsmen and Women Commend Decision

Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters and Backcountry Hunters & Anglers today commended a decision by the Biden administration to protect the Boundary Waters Wilderness watershed from industrial mining. The action this morning by the Departments of Agriculture and Interior includes an application for a 20-year ban on sulfide-ore copper mining on federal public lands in the wilderness watershed. Called a mineral withdrawal, the process kicks off a comprehensive study of the potential effects of sulfide-ore copper mining in the Boundary Waters watershed.



Let's see your best Boundary Waters fly! Tie up your best fly for fishing the BWCA and send Sportsmen BWCA a picture from August 13th through August 26th, 2021. After an online competition to determine the best fly, the top 3 winners will be selected to win gift cards from our sponsor, Bob Mitchell's Fly Shop.


Proper Fish Handling Tips for Fishing in the Boundary Waters

Proper fish handling is our responsibility as stewards of the resource. Handling fish with care is important no matter what time of year and can make all the difference in preserving the life of a fish that is caught and released. As anglers, we need to keep that in mind and do everything in our power to ensure we get fish back in the water safely to reproduce and preserve the fisheries we love. 


Liquid Trailhead: BWCA Lentil & Sausage Stew

I hadn’t seen another human being all day. Night was falling, and I was making myself a private feast. How many people in human history had felt like this? Medieval travelers… Anishinaabe traders… messengers… abandoned explorers… brigands… I’d put myself in an exclusive company.


Liquid Trailhead: Lake Three Solo

There’s no question that I was scared. I gave myself credit for hiding it well despite the fact no one was watching. The gravel lot at the end of the Fernberg (Access 30 on Fisher Map F-31) was empty save for a navy blue Chevy S-10 and a late model Four Runner.


Shed Hunting Tips for the Boundary Waters

Spring is a great time to stumble across shed antlers in and around the Boundary Waters. Finding a shed antler in the BWCA is akin to discovering a giant Lake Superior agate along Minnesota’s North Shore. It's not the most common occurrence, but if you're lucky enough to cross paths with these elusive north country gems, it's like finding buried treasure. 


BREAKING: SFBW Thanks Sen. Tina Smith for Strong Support of Boundary Waters Protection

Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters applauds the request U.S. Sen. Tina Smith delivered to two federal agencies urging action that could lead to 20 years of protection for America’s most visited wilderness. In a letter today, Sen. Smith, D-Minn., asked the U.S. Forest Service to re-initiate an environmental review process for a 20-year ban on copper-sulfide mining near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.  Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters believes the withdrawal process Smith requests will protect this valuable public land and its resources from sulfide-ore copper mining for today’s hunters and anglers and future generations.


A Path Forward For The Boundary Waters

The future of Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Canoe Wilderness, and Americans’ relationship to it, is in the hands of key decision-makers at the U. S. Department of Agriculture, U. S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, the United States Congress, and hunters and anglers like you and me.


A Winter Niche: Chasing Hard Water Monsters In The BWCA

Lake trout are native to the Boundary Waters and are some of the biggest trout in the entire world. Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters supporter Jacob Bendel shares his passion for lake trout and the adventures he has had chasing them through the ice.


My Life as a Backcountry Glutton

No, this is about eating way, way more calories than you could ever burn.  Being a Backcountry glutton is NOT about instant meals or freeze-dried prepackaged dinners, this is about bacon grease and finger-licking.


About Giving Tuesday 2020

GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. It was created as a simple idea: a day that


Grouse Hunting in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness

Posted by: Jake Dahlke, Sportsmen BWCA This blog was written with the collaboration of our partners at the Ruffed Grouse Society and American Woodcock Society. Learn more at As


The Wildest of Foods: Foraging in the Boundary Waters

An overview of foraging opportunities to keep an eye out for during your next trip to the BWCA.


Conserving the Boundary Waters: H.R. 5598 and the Twin Metals Mine

In the fall of 2019, Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters and Backcountry Hunters & Anglers took a trip to Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and to Twin Metal’s proposed mine site on Birch Lake.


Minnesota Bound’s Inaugural Podcast with Lukas Leaf, Sportsmen BWCA

Listen to Bill Sherck of Minnesota Bound and Lukas Leaf, Executive Director of Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters, dig into the risky copper-nickel mining proposal upstream of the Boundary Waters.


Outdoor News Radio – January 18, 2020

Listen to Outdoor News Radio here This weekend’s Outdoor News Radio show kicks off with a discussion of the latest on chronic wasting disease in Pine County plus an update


Press Release: Sportsmen’s Groups Praise Introduction of Bipartisan BWCA Legislation

Leaders in the conservation community commended the introduction of the Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection and Pollution Prevention Act (H.R. 5598), bipartisan legislation that would provide permanent protection, for current and future generations, of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and interconnected public lands and waters located within the watershed.


Understanding H.R. 668: The Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection and Pollution Prevention Act

The Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection and Pollution Prevention Act would ensure permanent protection of the Boundary Waters from any future copper-nickel mineral leasing in its watershed.


Twin Metals submits Mine Plan of Operation

For Immediate Release Twin Metals Mine Plan Of Operation Submitted Today ELY, MN – Today Twin Metals submitted a mine plan of operations to state and federal agencies to begin


Wired to Hunt: Boundary Waters Backcountry Hunt

Listen to Wired to Hunt’s latest Boundary Waters Whitetail Hunt – hear the story of his trip, learn strategies for hunting deer in the BWCA, and learn what you can


Release: DNR announces state level EIS for Twin Metals

We support all science-based review of this project, but the science is clear: Sulfide-ore copper mining in the watershed of the Boundary Waters is not worth the risk.


Cast and Blast with Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

Posted by Lukas Leaf After a few days of rain in Canoe Country, we were blessed with two, back-to-back bluebird days in the BWCA, complete with 65 degree weather and


What Exactly Is USDA’s Stance on the Boundary Waters?

Once determined to proceed with a thorough environmental review of an unpopular proposed mine, the agency now only seems willing to pass the buck to the state...


KFAN Outdoor Radio – July 27, 2019

   Twin Metals announced a change in the location of their proposed mine’s Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) from the Lake Superior watershed to directly upstream of the Boundary Waters.


Twin Metals tosses a Hail Mary with new plan

Twin Metals made a number of false claims in their announcement, the most brazen being that the Maturi Deposit will be non-acid generating. Prior to today’s announcement, Twin Metals had proposed a tailings basin outside of the Wilderness watershed. Twin Metals now proposes a location within several miles of the Wilderness and in direct proximity to Birch Lake.


Release: Twin Metals Announces Tailings Facility Closer To BWCA

Today Twin Metals Minnesota announced new plans to dry stack it’s acid-generating mine tailings in the watershed of the Boundary Waters and Voyageurs National Park, even closer to the BWCA


Hunters, Anglers & Hikers Unite For LWCF

Congress has an opportunity to reauthorize a program that has provided billions of dollars to conservation projects for over 50 years, all at no expense to the taxpayer. Set up to improve access to the outdoors, as well as conserve fish and wildlife habitat, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) has dedicated almost $4 billion to a mix of state and federal programs.


Veterans Defend Boundary Waters

Nearly 30 years later, on Feb. 15, 1909, President Theodore Roosevelt decided that some of the wild forests, wetlands and waterways in northeastern Minnesota should be added to America’s protected public lands. He signed Presidential Proclamation No. 848 establishing the 3.9 million-acre Superior National Forest. Today the heart of the national forest is the 1.1 million-acre Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW), one of the world’s 50 greatest destinations according to National Geographic.


A Plan To Mine The Minnesota Wilderness

In the waning months of the Obama administration, a Chilean conglomerate was losing a fight with the United States government over a copper mine that it wanted to build near a pristine wilderness area in Minnesota. The election of President Trump, with his business-friendly bent, turned out to be a game-changer for the project.


Border Waters – Prestigious Canadian River System

The Canadian Heritage Rivers System promotes the long-term conservation of rivers that are noteworthy for their natural, cultural and recreational values. One of these rivers flows through the heart of the Quetico-Superior region. The Boundary Waters/Voyageur Waterway (BWVW) comprises 155 miles of what is also known as the Border Route, the chain of lakes and rivers that runs from Lac La Croix east to Lake Superior.


Star Tribune: Why The Secrecy?

Imperious response from administration should prompt state congressional delegation to act. “In due course.” That’s the imperious response from the Trump administration when asked again this week when it will release scientific information gathered during an aborted review of copper mining’s impact on land adjacent to the beloved Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA).


First Lite: Public Lands Up North

The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) is a canoe country Wilderness – over 1,100 lakes here are great habitat for fish and game, full of walleye, lake trout, smallmouth and northern pike. These 1.1 million acres of public lands and waters are where generations of Minnesotans learned to paddle, portage and fish clear, cold water.


Fly Fishing Through Generations

7 years ago I ventured into Boundary Waters Canoe Area for the first time not knowing what to expect. It didn’t take long for me to realize the BWCA would always be part of my life. I have hunted and fished since I was a little kid and I have always had a passion for the outdoors, but trips into the BWCA are different. It allows me to truly unplug from the grind of daily life.


Trout on the Border Route

“I want to go to the Boundary Waters with you,” Nicole (my girlfriend of 4 months) asked. It was the best thing she ever requested. Without batting an eye I spouted, “Of course I’ll take ya!” My mind wandered to lakes I’ve visited and ones I’d like to explore. Which would be ideal for a first timer? The trail of thought led me to my first time. It was a family trip with our neighbors. All of us were first timers except for our neighbor – who had been guiding up there since he was a kid.


BHA Podcast & Blast: The PF Crew

In St. Paul, Minnesota, with bird dogs whining in the hall outside, Hal visits the headquarters of Pheasants Forever to interview a trifecta of America’s most committed and passionate upland bird hunters and habitat and public access advocates. At the end of the episode, hear the PF team talk about their experiences in the Boundary Waters and what hunters' role is in protecting habitat for the next generation.


BHA Podcast & Blast: Steve Piragis

Piragis and Hal meet in Ely to discuss all matters related to the Boundary Waters, including why anybody would want a Chilean company to build a vast copper-nickel mine on a river at the very edge of the most visited wilderness in the United States, one of the most economically and ecologically important areas on the planet.


Wired to Hunt: BWCA Backcountry Whitetail

Mark Kenyon, the founder of Wired To Hunt and host of the industry-leading Wired To Hunt Podcast sits down with Lukas Leaf, Matt Norton and Darrell Spencer to talk about Boundary Waters bucks and how to approach a BWCA whitetail hunt.


BHA Podcast & Blast: Mark Norquist & Lukas Leaf

Host of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers' Hal Herring talks with Mark Norquist of Modern Carnivore and Chef Lukas Leaf, both are BHA Minnesota Board Members and long time advocates of Boundary Waters protection with Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters.