Ruffed Grouse Opener Tips & Tricks

September 12, 2024 1:55 pm

Grouse season is upon us! The leaves are starting to change, the evenings are getting cooler, and there are grouse around every corner in the Northwoods. Here at Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters, we live for this time of year. Among the myriad of tasks that go into working on behalf of the Boundary Waters region, nothing keeps the fire burning like a limit of birds, fellowship with old and new friends, and feasting on wild game. As we count the days and start marking our onX maps, we decided to compile a few last-minute considerations from some of our friends, board, and staff to make sure everyone has a safe, productive, memorable grouse opener. 

Bob St. Pierre: Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters Board Chair and Co-Host of FAN Outdoors

Bug spray. There hasn’t been a killing frost across most of the grouse range, so come prepared to battle the mosquitos.

Grasshoppers.  I like to focus on grassy areas where grasshoppers are plentiful on the opener – trails and field edges.  Grouse are eating insects right now.

Micro Climates.  If it’s a warm weather opener, look for micro climates in the forest.  Edges of alder swamps where you can actually feel the temperature change make for good targets on warm days.

Blaze orange.  It’s a jungle out there on opener and all the leaves are still on the trees.  That means it’s extra important to wear a lot of blaze orange on opening day, so anyone in the woods can see you.

Eye protection. Like I said, it’s a jungle out there. Protecting your eyes from branches is really important on opening day.

Favorite Grouse Preparation: Blueberry Pesto Pizza

Peter Konstantacos: Boundary Waters Outfitters

Safety. Above all, safety comes first. 

Offline maps. Be sure to download your OnX maps ahead of time.

Prepare for the unexpected. Always carry a headlamp in case your travels extend longer than expected.

Habitat. Keep an eye out for blowdown piles and clusters of dead trees along the trail. These often hold Grouse.

Spread out. Try to hunt not only where birds are but also where other hunters are not. 

Favorite Grouse Preparation: Fried grouse sandwich on a pretzel bun

Matthew Schultz: Development and Policy Coordinator, Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters

First Aid. Double-check you and your dog’s first aid kits. Are there expired items that need to be replaced? Are you familiar with the equipment in each? These are things you’d rather solve at home instead of during an emergency.

HYDRATE! Grouse hunting isn’t always synonymous with tough conditions, but the opener will be warm. Bring enough water for yourself, your dog, and extra just in case.

Share the trail. Be courteous of other hunters and recreators. Grouse often inhabit places that lend themselves to other forms of hunting, hiking, canoeing, and any number of pursuits. Beyond following the principles of firearm safety, be considerate out there. 

Dog control. Your hunting dog IS ALLOWED OFF LEASH while actively hunting in Superior National Forest, including the Boundary Waters, but stay diligent when it comes to picking up after them, preventing them from pestering other BWCA visitors, running away, and tieing up with other animals. 

Have fun. You only get so many Septembers. Have a blast and take someone new to hunting out this season! 

Favorite Grouse Preparation: Smoked grouse breast over wild rice with a blackberry reduction

Jeremy Collard: Regional Engagement Coordinator, Western Great Lakes, Ruffed Grouse Society

Check your license. Make sure you are up-to-date on your licensing for this season! It seems like a no-brainer, but I have been in the field on a couple of occasions with friends and experienced hunters who got caught up in the pre-season excitement and forgot to renew for the upcoming season. 

Try something new. Break away from the familiar trails and forge new paths into new covers! Generally speaking, grouse will start using an area three to five years after a timber harvest and remain until stem exclusion begins around the fifteen-to-twenty-year mark. Locate areas of patchwork forest where young forest habitat exists!

Dog safety and disease prevention. Double-check for all the necessary items to keep your dog happy, healthy, hydrated and safe. A dog first-aid kit is something I highly recommend. For those who are visiting our neck of the woods here in Northern Minnesota, it is good to be aware that Blastomycosis is present here. Around 75 dogs are affected by the infection annually around the state. This infection is caused by a fungus that inhabits woodland areas near wetlands and swamps, where often many of us find ourselves throughout the course of the season. The good news is that catching it early will greatly reduce the likelihood of a more severe case, so keep an eye out for symptoms such as limping, coughing, lesions and loss of appetite in your pup. Should any of these present themselves, let your vet know immediately that you have been in an area where Blasto is present. 

Mentor a new hunter. The future of our beloved pursuit depends on it. The rewards, memories made and effort to propel a new generation of conservationists are something all of us should keep on our minds. 

Have fun. Enjoy being outdoors. Realize the season will feel like it ended quicker than it did last year, and will likely feel even more so next year. Cherish time in the woods with friends and family and make memories– this is really what it is all about.

Favorite Grouse Preparation: Grouse Pozole

You can take all the advice in the world, but it all comes down to that split second when you spot your first bird. To celebrate those moments and the start of Minnesota’s grouse hunting season, we’re releasing a limited run of an SFBW Blaze Orange Grouse Hat. All proceeds go towards the Stewardship, Habitat, and Advocacy work that we’re engaged in to make sure this region remains a haven for this generation of outdoors people and the next.

Between Thursday, September 12th & Friday, October 4th donate $35 or more to receive your grouse hat and support Sportsmen for the BWCA. 


HOW THE HAT PROMOTION WORKS: As a limited run, hat production will begin at the end of the promotion on Friday, October 4th. Once production is complete on or around October 14th, all hats will be shipped. Thank you for your support!

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